Thursday, July 3, 2008

Adding a rank of pipes

The Opus 11 which contains 2 ranks of pipes, 1. 8' Diapason, 2. 8' Stopped Diapason has developed growing pains. Presently it consists of only one manual and no pedal but this Summer it is going to grow and have 2 manuals, 30 note pedal board and 2 new additonal ranks of pipes, an 8' Dulciana (l872 Hook & Hastings) and a 4' Flute D'Amore (l896 Hook & Hastings). The pipes are ready and have been completely gone over and the pedalboard has been completely restored. It is a l904 Midmer. The keyboards are from a l934 Estey. I know all these parts are from different instruments but believe it or not they all will work with each other and the pipes can be regulated to work with the existing organ pipe work. I will need to make a new main chest to accomodate 4 ranks now instead of the 2 but with some careful measuring and some tightening up it will all fit. I also have a 12 note 16' Bourdon extension and if I can muster up enough wind pressure it is a possibility to add this. A 16' always makes for a more beautiful and full pedal sound, but we will see. This is just an update on what is going on with my organs. The stop list will change and this is the new one: Great: 8' Open Diapason, 4' principal, 8' Dulciana, 4' Dulcet, 8' Stopped Diapason, 4' Flute, Swell: 8' Stopped Diapason, , 8' Dulciana, 4' Dulcet, 4' Flute Great to Swell Coupler, Pedal: 16' Bourdon(?), 8' Open Diapason, 8' Flute, 4' Flute, Great to Pedal and Swell to Pedal. It will be all
